Basil 'Thai' is a very common ingredient in the cuisines of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.
Southeast Asia.
Basil 'Thai' is able to withstand longer cooking times, more than the Mediterranean varieties.
Basil 'Thai' has a sweet basil flavor with a hint of anise.
Classic use example
Basil 'Thai' is a very common ingredient in the cuisines of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.
Basil 'Thai' is used in a large number of Thai soups, curries and stir-fries.
Basil 'Thai' is a main ingredient in pad gra prow, a stir-fry beef dish, and in the gai pad krapow, made with chicken.
Special use example
Try a Basil 'Thai' infusion with mint for a refreshing combination!
Coconut milk
●Remove the bigger plants from the bottom.
(Harvesting Style 3)
Cut the plants above the first node (starting from the bottom).
(Harvesting Style 1)
● Remove yellow and dead leaves.